Girlfriends After Hours
Girlfriends (A Podcast for Catholic Women)
BONUS: Lectio Divina

BONUS: Lectio Divina

One of the elements in our upcoming 21-Day Change Your Heart Challenge will be daily guided Lectio Divina—a five-minute audio guide to reading and praying with Scripture. To give you an idea of what this content will be like, I’m sharing a free audio sample below. If you like this and want to access all of the challenge content, be sure to upgrade your subscription now before our start date on August 5!

You might have heard of “Lectio Divina” before, and that fancy name might have scared you off a bit. I’m here to tell you that Lectio Divina is a beautiful way to pray with Scripture and everyone can do it. The words mean “divine reading,” and it’s more than a method of prayer; it's an intimate conversation with God through his Word. Here’s a guide to make it a more a personal and enriching experience:

1. Choose Your Scripture: Pick a passage from the Bible that speaks to your heart. It could be a favorite verse, a passage from the daily readings, or something new that you feel drawn to.

2. Find Your Quiet Space: Settle into a peaceful spot where you won't be disturbed. Take a few deep breaths, let go of your worries, and acknowledge God’s presence with you.

3. Pray for Guidance: Begin with a simple prayer to the Holy Spirit: “Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten my heart and mind to listen to your Word.”

Step 1: Lectio (Reading)

  • Read Slowly: Open your Bible and read the passage slowly, savoring each word. Imagine you're having a gentle conversation with God.

  • Re-read: Go over the text multiple times. Let it sink into your mind and heart. Listen for the word or phrase that stands out to you each time you read. It’s like receiving a personal message from God.

Step 2: Meditatio (Meditation)

  • Pause and Reflect: When a particular word or phrase touches you, pause. Rest with it. Let it echo in your mind and heart. Don’t judge the way you are praying or give way to distractions. Just “hold” the word or phrase in your mind.

  • Personalize It: Repeat the word or phrase to yourself. Reflect on what it means to you personally. How does it connect with your thoughts, feelings, hopes, and memories? Let it speak to your soul.

Step 3: Oratio (Prayer)

  • Respond to God: Now, it's your turn to talk to God. What do you want to say in response to His Word? Pour out your heart in prayer. There is no wrong way to do this, and you don't need to hold anything back—dialogue with God, where you share your thoughts, feelings, and desires.

  • Be Honest: Speak to God as you would to a close friend. There’s no need for fancy words—just be sincere.

Step 4: Contemplatio (Contemplation)

  • Rest in God: After your conversation, simply rest in God's presence. This is a time of quiet, wordless communion. Feel his love and peace surrounding you.

  • Be Still: Contemplation isn’t about doing anything; it’s about being with God. Allow yourself to be embraced by his presence. Enjoy this deep, silent connection.

Remember, Lectio Divina is a personal journey. There's no right or wrong way to do it—just be open and let the Holy Spirit guide you. Enjoy this beautiful, intimate time with God.

And now for your free audio sample of guided meditation. Remember, in addition to written reflections, discussion questions, and prompts toward action, each day of our upcoming 21-Day Change Your Heart challenge will have a 5-minute audio file like this one, guiding us through Scripture meditation together. Remember, to access all the challenge content, beginning August 5, you’ll need to upgrade your subscription:

Girlfriends After Hours
Girlfriends (A Podcast for Catholic Women)
Danielle shares advice, encouragement, and connection for Catholic women in all walks of life.