Pride is sneaky. Lately, I’ve noticed how often my pride sneaks into my thoughts and actions. Whether it’s quick judgment of others, a “need” to defend myself in conversation, or frustration when things don’t go my way, I see how much I resist letting go of my ego.
Humility doesn’t come naturally—it’s a virtue that requires surrender, trust, and God’s grace. And yet, the more I reflect on it, the more I see how freeing it is. When we let go of our pride, we make room for God to work in us and through us in ways far beyond what we can imagine.
This week, let’s reflect together on the gift of humility, a gift that too often gets a bad rap. How does God invite us to grow in this virtue, and how can we respond with open hearts?
Want to grow in virtue and find more peace, balance, and joy in life?
Here’s the content for today and a sneak preview of the coming week…
🙏 [MONDAY 01.27] Humility in the Words of St. Angela Merici
Today we celebrate the feast day of St. Angela Merici, the founder of the Ursulines. She lived a life of service to the poor that exemplified humility in her words and actions. What can we learn from the words of this great saint?
“Do not consider yourself better than others.”
This quote reminds me of Mother Teresa’s advice to always volunteer for the most unpleasant tasks. Likewise, St. Angela urges us to avoid pride and instead view ourselves as equals with everyone, recognizing the dignity of every person.
Are there tasks you consider “beneath you”? How is God challenging you today?
“Be kind and compassionate toward your sisters without exception.”
It’s the “without exception” part that gets me with this one. Too often, we try to answer the call to charity, but we have conditions. Surely I don’t need to be kind to this person who is nasty and hurtful, right? Oops, yeah, I do. No exceptions.
Do you make exceptions? Whom might God be calling you to love better?
“Strive to be faithful to that to which God has called you.”
When St. Angela founded the Ursuline order, she did not establish it as a traditional cloistered community, but encouraged her sisters to live in humility, serving where they were needed most.
Where, specifically, is God calling you today? How will you respond?
St. Angela Merici’s humility was rooted in her deep trust in God and her commitment to serve others selflessly. She avoided seeking personal glory and instead encouraged those around her to remain humble, faithful, and compassionate. Her life reminds us that true humility is not about thinking less of ourselves but thinking of ourselves less.
St. Angela Merici, pray for us!
Coming this week for Girlfriends in Grace subscribers:
🙏 [WEDNESDAY 01.29] Lectio Divina with Matthew 11:28-30
5 Minutes of Humble Prayer
Discover the inspiration of Jesus’ example with this week's 5-minute guided prayer on Matthew 11:28-30
Take a moment to:
✨ Find peace in God’s presence
✨ Surrender your worries
✨ Learn from Jesus
👉 Subscribe now to listen and pray with me. Find a quiet spot, press play, and let God’s word speak to your heart.
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart.”
What will God reveal to you this week?
🎨 [FRIDAY 01.31] Carvaggio’s The Conversion of St. Paul
We recently celebrated the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul (Jan. 25). This reflection dives into Caravaggio’s masterpiece depicting the dramatic moment of St. Paul’s conversion and invites us to:
🐎 Consider God’s patient love
🐎 Allow God to work in our hearts
🐎 Learn that we must be humble to hear God’s voice.
➡️ Subscribe now to access the full post, uncover spiritual insights from this iconic painting, and be inspired by God’s unwavering patience and love.