Thanks for revisiting this topic. I found some good stuff in there that really resonated right now. I'll probably listen to it again later as you covered a lot and sometimes different messages come through.

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Thanks Rachael, I'm so glad you found it helpful. I'll be praying for you and your family!

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I've been thinking about your tips. They're good and I wish I'd had those tools going into the teen years, over 15 years ago. I found it very difficult to not take things personally, for many reasons, and cried a lot. I have 1 daughter estranged from me and it hurts a lot. I know my temperament is a factor here, but how do you not get some heart break with young adult children actually rejecting you and your beliefs?

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I'm so sorry you are experiencing that, April! It is perfectly normal that you would feel that way, and I don't know your circumstances, so it may be personal on some level. But I have found, more often than not, it's something kids go through, and unfortunately, you happen to be the "safe" person to rage against and reject. I will be praying for you and your daughter.

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Thank you Danielle.

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Thank you. 🙏🏻

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